Cosmetic mole removal is the process of removing a mole that is benign in nature, for the sole purpose of making you feel better- physically, emotionally, or both. Not all moles need to be removed for medical reasons. Some patients come to us because they have a mole that is “in the way” or gets irritated when wearing certain clothing, such as a sports bra. Other patients come to us to have moles removed that they consider unsightly and to restore the body’s natural symmetry. Symmetry is one of the most universal features for deciding physical attractiveness across many cultures.

Dr. Hooman Khorasani is a quadruple board-certified, fellowship-trained cosmetic and skin cancer surgeon. With specialized training in advanced skin cancer management, Dr. Khorasani is an expert in mole removal of all kinds.

mole removal procedures offered include:
PreciseFX laser ablation is traditionally used for cosmetically sensitive locations on the face such as the nose or eyelid
Shave Removal is used for moles on the trunk and extremities when aesthetics and recurrence are less concerning
Excision is used in selected locations where the scar can be hidden in skin tension lines and recurrence is a concern

Visit us at our New York City practice to learn more about the cosmetic mole removal techniques that can help you display your most aesthetically-pleasing features. To request a consultation, text message us securely, or contact our Manhattan office by phone at 212-230-3378.

What is a mole?

A mole is a cluster of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes that appear as a discolored blemish on the surface of the skin. These distinctive, often raised growths can sometimes be the cause of insecurity. Moles are also something to pay close attention to, as they can also indicate a serious underlying medical problem.

For moles that do not present a health risk, cosmetic mole removal is a quick, easy and affordable option to clear up your skin and restore balance to your best features.

Before & After

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How is cosmetic mole removal performed?

During the initial consultation Dr. Khorasani evaluates your mole in order to establish that it is benign in nature. You will be scheduled for removal once we confirm that the mole is completely benign. Depending on the location and type of the mole, Dr. Khorasani will use one of the following three techniques:


PreciseFX is a continuous wave CO2 laser. It ablates the mole without leaving any collateral damage. The heat from the laser destroys the nevi cells deep in the skin without disturbing the skin scaffold, which is a crucial part of the healing process. Immediately before the laser ablation, Dr. Khorasani takes a small sample of the top of the mole for histologic evaluation in order to confirm that it is benign. The procedure is performed with topical anesthetic cream and takes about five to ten minutes, depending on the size and location. Follow-up care after a PreciseFX treatment is minimal, with only Aquaphor and a bandage for seven to fourteen days. Since no sutures are used, you may return to your normal routine immediately.

Shave Removal

Shave removal is a minimally invasive technique used to remove superficial moles called junctional nevi. Moles removed via shave have a higher chance of recurrence if used on deeper moles, called intradermal nevus. The procedure is done under local anesthesia and takes under five minutes. Follow-up care involves only Aquaphor and a bandage for seven to fourteen days. Sutures are not used with this method, so you may return to your normal routines, including exercise, right away.


Excision is reserved for larger and deeper moles called intradermal nevi. After numbing with local anesthesia, a scalpel is used to remove the mole all the way down to the subcutaneous layer. This ensures complete removal of the roots and minimizes the chance of recurrence. Sutures are placed along cosmetic skin tension lines and are removed in one to two weeks, depending on the site. The procedure is done under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. You can go home immediately after the procedure. Instructions for recovery include the use of steristrips for a week, and use of a scar gel for another 60 days. We encourage you to avoid exercise routines for about a week in order to not put tension on the sutures.

FAQ's About Cosmetic Mole Removal

Is mole removal painful?
What are the benefits and risks of mole removal?
Can I remove a mole on my own?
How can mole removal benefit me?

Why choose Dr. Khorasani for my cosmetic mole removal?

Dr. Hooman Khorasani is a quadruple board-certified, fellowship-trained cosmetic and skin cancer surgeon. Aside from preventing future health risks, mole removal is an affordable solution to improve your cosmetic appearance. Dr. Khorasani works closely with you to understand your personal goals on a case-by-case basis and develop the best plan according to your needs. Cosmetic mole removal is a simple, in-office procedure that can be done in less than 30 minutes. Please contact our office in New York City to schedule a mole removal consultation.

Request A Consultation

Dr. Khorasani and his highly-specialized team look forward to working with you to transform your medical or aesthetic goals into reality. To expedite a request for a consultation, message us securely, or contact Dr. Khorasani’s Manhattan office by phone at 212-230-3378. For more information about how to get in touch:


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