Updated: November 30, 2020
Even the least invasive cosmetic treatment can lead to bruising. That’s because any time a blood vessel sustains damage, it can bleed into the surrounding tissue. When this occurs, you see discoloration in the form of a red, black, or purple bruise. Unfortunately, these bruises can sometimes take a week or two to fade.
As the former Chief of the Division of Dermatologic & Cosmetic Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr. Hooman Khorasani takes extra steps when performing cosmetic surgery or administering injectable fillers to minimize bruising. He recommends following these tips so you achieve optimal results from your cosmetic procedure.
When you’re preparing for as well as recovering from a cosmetic procedure, it’s essential to avoid drugs and supplements known to thin your blood. Common over-the-counter drugs and supplements that can thin your blood include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like asprin, NSAIDs (Aleve), Ibuprofen (Advil), St. John’s wort, flaxseed oils, fish oils, and Omega-3 supplements.
Discuss any prescription medications or supplements you’re taking with Dr. Khorasani to reduce your chances of additional bleeding or bruising before and after your procedure.
You don’t have to give up your favorite alcoholic beverage indefinitely if you’re having a cosmetic procedure. However, to reduce your chances of bruising, you should avoid drinking alcohol the night before and the same day as your appointment. Alcohol causes your blood vessels to temporarily relax and expand, which increases blood flow throughout your body. This can increase the likelihood of bleeding or bruising in the areas being treated.
To reduce your chances of bruising and swelling, when you go home after your appointment, you should keep your head elevated (an extra couple of pillows) and apply ice every 10 minutes for the first hour or two. Ice causes your blood vessels to constrict, which reduces bleeding and minimizes bruising.
After having a cosmetic treatment, you should avoid touching the injection or surgical site for the first few hours, unless you’re applying pain relieving cream or have other instructions from Dr. Khorasani.
You should also avoid putting a significant amount of pressure on the treated area. Pressure can increase your chances of additional trauma to the blood vessels and increase your chances of swelling and bruising.
Several vitamins and supplements may help reduce bruising, including Arnica montana. This homeopathic treatment can help soothe bruises, muscles, and post-procedure pain. In most cases, you may begin taking Arnica pellets for a couple of weeks before your procedure.
After the procedure, you can either continue taking the Arnica tablets or apply a topical ointment, gel, or cream. Dr. Khorasani can provide detailed information on which vitamins or supplements can best help prevent bruising.
Even if there’s no downtime associated with your cosmetic procedure, it’s best to avoid going to the gym or participating in vigorous activities for a short period of time. When you increase your blood pressure, blood flow, and heart rate, it can be harder for any vessels damaged during the surgery to heal. While you recover, play it safe and take a nice walk instead!
Dr. Khorasani and his highly-specialized team look forward to working with you to transform your medical or aesthetic goals into reality. To request a consultation, message us securely, or contact Dr. Khorasani’s Manhattan office by phone at 212-230-3378.
We look forward to meeting you and offering the care and expertise you deserve. To expedite a request for a consultation, message us securely. You may also contact the office by phone at 212-230-3378, or fill out the information below.