Brazilian Butt Lifts: An All-Natural Option for Booty Contouring

Sculpting your dream booty isn't easy. Even the most dedicated gym-lovers may find that no matter the number of squats they do or the amount of protein they eat, their rear end won't shape up quite the way they want it to. It may have to do with genetics, but as all people age, gravity can start to take its toll as well. This is all natural and completely common, but can be frustrating for people who have a different vision of what they'd like to see in the mirror.

This is why both men and women are opting for the Brazilian butt lift — an increasingly popular procedure for customized body contouring that rejuvenates the buttocks and helps you achieve a fuller, younger-looking butt.

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

First of all, it's completely natural. The Brazilian butt lift procedure essentially relocates unwanted fat from other areas of your body into your buttocks to reshape and lift sagging areas of skin. Common places for fat removal are the neck, abdomen, back, and thighs, using a traditional liposuction procedure. The fat is then re-injected into your backside.

Dr. Hooman Khorasani creates a customized plan with you to address specific areas that are important to you. It's a completely bespoke process and one that is entirely natural.

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BBL Recovery Time

While a BBL is a surgical procedure, it's generally performed on an outpatient basis. This means that after a few hours of recovery, you can expect to go home and heal.

BBL Aftercare

To ensure the proper distribution and settling of the fat grafts in your buttocks, it is important to avoid putting pressure on the treated areas for at least two weeks. You will sit on a special cushion that reduces this pressure. However, this means you must avoid sitting or doing strenuous exercise until Dr. Khorasani gives you the green light.

Other than that, you can expect to resume most of your normal activities without limitation after six weeks, based on your speed of healing and overall health.

BBL Results

By using your own fat, you are at a much lower risk for health complications, such as allergies or intolerance. With implants, you may face increased risk for complications over time, such as nerve damage, infection, or movement of the implants.

BBL using Sculptra and PRP Injections by Dr. Hooman Khorasani

Within three months of the procedure, you can expect to see optimal results.

The extracted fat used for injection into your buttocks gives you a well-balanced, nicely proportioned figure. You can also enjoy a better-shaped booty free of scars, which can happen with other types of augmentation surgery. The injection areas aren't visible after treatment, and the liposuction portion of the procedure requires only small ports to access the deposits of fat to remove.

Patients of BBL’s often find they are more satisfied than those who have other enhancement procedures, like implants. While some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed into your body, you still retain as much as 65% of the new fat to ensure a long-lasting shape.

Who is the right candidate for a BBL?

BBL procedures are most effective for non-smoking patients, men or women, with a healthy, stable weight seeking to improve the size and shape of their butts without surgical implants. Asymmetry of the curvature can also be improved with this customized body contouring procedure.

Ideal patients also have unwanted fat pockets that are large enough to provide a sufficient amount of fat for transplant.

If you do not have enough fat reserves, a Sculptra Butt Lift could be an excellent alternative. This is also a great option for those patients who are unable to tolerate liposuction.

Buttocks Augmentation using Sculptra & PRP Cellulite Reduction by Dr. Hooman Khorasani

Request a Consultation

Visit our Buttocks Enhancement page to learn more about Dr. Khorasani's treatment options. To request a consultation, message us securely, or contact Dr. Khorasani’s Manhattan office by phone at 212-230-3378.

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Brazilian Butt Lifts: An All-Natural Option for Booty Contouring

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